FCPS provides limited bus transportation between our students' base high schools for all students who attend Edison Academy from schools other than Edison High School. We also offer vehicle parking available for those who wish to drive to and from their Academy classes for these students from other high schools.
All students must complete a transportation agreement form that is kept on file in the Academy office. This form indicates the student's transportation plan for the school year. Forms have been sent to students in their welcome email from their Academy teacher (beginning of school year). All forms are returned to the teacher.
Shuttle Bus Transportation
The school system uses a formula to determine if bus transportation will be provided between base schools and the Academy. The number of students traveling at the same time, from the same school, must meet a threshold for shuttle transportation to be provided. Other considerations that influence shuttle availability are distance, time of day, and traffic. Information about shuttle buses, that are to be provided in any given school year, should be distributed and shared with students through their base high school.
Non-Student Visitor Parking
If you are visitor, who is not a student, visiting the Academy you must avoid parking in the spots marked A1-A35. All Academy visitor should enter through Door #13. When you get to the entrance doors you will see a buzzer with camera on the left brick wall by the doors. Please note, you will need your Driver’s License to use the visitor check in scanner in the Academy office. It will take your photo to print your visitor sticker for you to wear.
Student Drivers/Parking
Students from other high schools who attend Edison Academy classes, who wish to drive to and from the Academy for their classes, must complete a transportation agreement form and return them to their teacher, then a parking pass will be issued to the student for display when parking in the Academy parking lot.
- Students who have a base school parking pass will be issued a sticker to add to their base school pass at no cost.
- Students who do not have a base school parking pass must complete the application for an Academy parking pass and pay a $67 yearly parking fee (current rate for 2024-25 school year).
Student Parking Agreement
- All students who park on campus must purchase a student parking permit.
- Any student who parks on campus without a permit will receive a $25 fine. Students will receive a $50 fine for the second parking violation and will have their parking permit revoked on the third violation. Continued violations will result in booting or towing of the student’s vehicle. All towing is done by a commercial towing company. Edison High School is not responsible for damage to towed vehicles.
- Academy students must promptly vacate their assigned academy parking space at the end of their academy session and not return for the remainder of the school day. Students who park in other parking spots are in violation of the student parking agreement and are subject to fines, booting, revocation of parking privileges, and/or towing.
- Students must display parking permits from the rear-view mirror, facing outwards, to be identifiable.
- Students may not return to their vehicle during the school day without the approval of a school official.
- Students, including car-pool members who leave school grounds without permission (properly checked out through attendance) during the school day, will be referred to their administrator. The vehicle will be subject to a search by school security personnel and/or administrators upon returning to campus as well as possible revocation of parking privileges.
- Parking permit fees are not refundable for revoked permits.
- Students must always adhere to speed limits and safe driving behavior. Revocation of parking privileges will occur for reckless driving.
- Student drivers must follow the directions of school officials directing traffic in the parking lot.
- Students are subject to all state and county traffic laws, including the report of traffic accidents and/or damage to other vehicles that occur at the school parking lots. It is illegal to pass a school bus that is loading or unloading.
- Student parking privileges are subject to being revoked at any time by an administrator for disciplinary reasons for but not limited to behavior and attendance school.
- Parking on Edison property is at your own risk. Edison/FCPS is not responsible for any damage or theft which takes place while parked on school property.