Partnering with Fairfax County Public Schools
Businesses and community groups are encouraged to learn more about Business and Community Partnerships including FCPS Ignite Partnerships program which offers eight ways for businesses and community partners to engage with FCPS.
There’s considerable return on investment when becoming an Ignite Partner. Have a look at our Value Proposition that outlines those benefits.

FCPS Ignite Partnership News
Visit this page for the latest updates on partnership activities taking place in FCPS schools.

Partnering with Edison Academy
Work- Based Learning for High School Students
Do you have work-based learning opportunities for students such as internships and externships, youth apprenticeships, service learning/volunteer opportunities or summer work experiences?
We are happy to publicize opportunities for our students to participate in paid internships and youth registered apprenticeship. We also can help you publicize service learning opportunities to students. Contact our Career Experience Specialist, Tisa Frederick at [email protected] to share opportunities. We will post them on our website and publicize to teachers and students in classes.
Career Speakers
Would you like to offer to be an in-person or virtual guest speaker to talk with students about relevant career information?
For guest speakers, reach out to Tisa Frederick at [email protected] or the appropriate teacher(s) listed in our Staff Directory.
Job Shadow/Industry Tours/Student Observations
Would you like to offer a job shadow opportunity for a student or group of students to visit virtually or in-person to observe workers and/or learn more about a career field or particular job?
For job shadow opportunities, reach out to Tisa Frederick at [email protected] the Career Experiences Specialist.
Scholarships and Financial Support for Programs
Do you have scholarship opportunities to share with our students?
Send all scholarship information to Tisa Frederick , to be posted and shared with students.
Do you wish to make donations to support student or teacher recognition, or equipment and supply needs for our programs?
Contact Tisa Frederick at [email protected] , call 703-924-8100, or reach out to program teachers directly through the staff directory.
Jobs for Graduates
Do you have jobs or other opportunities to share with our graduates and soon-to-be graduating Seniors?
We can post a short description of job opportunities on our website and share details with our students and alumni. Opportunities for Graduates on Soon-To-Be Graduates. Contact our Career Experience Specialist, Tisa Frederick at [email protected], to submit your requests.
Featured Supporters and Partners of 2021-22
- Advanced Technical Institute
- Beauty Scope, LLC - Gretchen Kuney
- Beckstrom Electric
- City Electric Supply
- Chandlers Plumbing & Heating Company
- Cropp Metcalfe
- Culinary Institute of America
- Drug Enforcement Administration - Crystal City Field Office
- Elks Lodge #758 Fairfax County Police Department
- Fairfax County Animal Shelter
- Fairfax County Government Department of Vehicle Services
- Fairfax County Government Land Services Division
- Fairfax County Public School, Adult and Community Education office
- Fairfax County Public Schools Office of CyberSecurity
- Fairfax County Public Schools Human Resources Department, Teacher for Tomorrow, Back 2 Fairfax Program
- Fairfax County Public Schools Facilities Department, Trades for Tomorrow and Back 2 Fairfax Programs
- Federal Bureau of Investigation, Retired Executive Assistant Director, Stephen Laycock
- Helix Electric
- Johnson and Wales University -Culinary Arts Program
- Jim Corridon Electric Company
- National Association of Power Engineers
- Northern Virginia Community College Office of Dual Enrollment
- Northern Virginia Community College Automotive Programs
- Rotary Club of Alexandria
- Rotary Club of Springfield
- Salon Enclave
- US Marshals Service
- US Secret Service
- Virginia State Police
- VDOT Transportation Careers Fair Sponsors
Other local partners and mentor organizations are also listed on each Academy’s curricular program pages.