Residential Construction

Spring Village Residential Construction Site

Residential Construction 1 

Grades: 10, 11, 12  |  Credit: 1  |  Prerequisite: None

Location: Spring Village Residential Construction Site - transportation may be provided.

Residential Construction students must sign up for Residential Construction 1  & Residential Construction 2.

Through a partnership with the Foundation for Applied Technical Education, Inc. (FATE), Residential Construction students have an opportunity to build a single-family home in Springfield, Virginia. All students will obtain the required construction Industry OSHA 10 safety credential and NCCER credentials. Students will work directly on concrete installation, framing, ceramic tile, kitchen installation, bathroom installations, hardwood floors, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, landscape, and other areas of new home construction. Theoretical and physical aspects of the construction industry are explored in order for students to establish career goals in the industry. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.

Professional Certification Opportunity: Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth

Parents and students are required to attend an orientation session at the job site with the instructor prior to being accepted into the course. 

Residential Construction 2

Grades: 11, 12  |  Credit: 2  |  Prerequisite: Residential Construction 1

Spring Village Residential Construction Site - transportation may be provided.

Through a partnership with the Foundation for Applied Technical Education, Inc. (FATE), Residential Construction students have an opportunity to build a single-family home in Springfield, Virginia. All students will obtain the required construction Industry OSHA 10 safety credential and NCCER credentials. Students will work directly on concrete installation, framing, ceramic tile, kitchen installation, bathroom installations, hardwood floors, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, landscape, and other areas of new home construction. Theoretical and physical aspects of the construction industry are explored in order for students to establish career goals in the industry. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.

Professional Certification Opportunity: National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) Level One Entry-Level Certification

Parents and students are required to attend an orientation session at the job site with the instructor prior to being accepted into the course. 

Course Features

The classroom for this course is located on the construction site, on Foundation Way, Springfield, VA, which is near the intersection of Franconia-Springfield Parkway and Spring Village Drive. Visit  FATE and the Residential Construction Program for more information. 


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Career Connections

Career Pathway Examples for Residential Construction Students

The study of Residential Construction, along with additional post-secondary study or training, may lead to these careers:

Some BLS Info - Check it Out! 

  • According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, construction laborers in the DC metro area earned $63,300 in annual wages on average as of May 2023. Construction managers earned on average $137,750 in annual wages as of May 2023 in the DC Metro Area. 

SkillsUSA Student Organization

SkillsUSA is the recognized student organization for trade and industrial programs in the Virginia. SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry representatives, working together to ensure America has a skilled work force. It helps each student excel. SkillsUSA is a national nonprofit organization serving teachers and high school and college students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, including health occupations. It was formerly known as VICA (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America).

To learn more about SkillsUSA please visit the local, state, and national website for additional information and opportunities.

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Check out this video to learn more about our Residential Construction program. 

Check out more videos about our Residential Construction Program on our YouTube Channel - click for Construction Playlist.

Residential Construction at a Glance