Auto Technology
Auto Technology 1
Grades: 10, 11, 12 | Credit: 1 | Prerequisite: None
In this first course of the three-course program sequence, students learn all aspects of repair, safety, and customer service by concentrating on four primary areas: brakes, steering and suspension, electrical/electronics, and engine performance. Students get a taste of real-world scenarios while being encouraged to enter into postsecondary education opportunities.
Professional Certification Opportunity: Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth
Auto Technology 2 - Standard or Dual Enrollment
Grades: 11, 12 | Credit: 2 | 1.0 weight for DE | Prerequisite: Auto Technology 1
In this second course of the three-course program sequence, students learn all aspects of repair, safety, and customer service by concentrating on four primary areas: brakes, steering and suspension, electrical/electronics, and engine performance. Students will get a taste of real-world scenarios while being encouraged to enter into postsecondary education opportunities.
- Dual Enrollment course through Northern Virginia Community College - AUT 100 Introduction to Automotive Shop Practice - 2 Credits - Introduces shop practices for automotive laboratory and shop safety, identification and use of hand tools, general power equipment, and maintenance of automotive shop. Explains basic operation procedures of standard shop equipment. Presents Occupational Safety and Health Act standards pertaining to the automotive field.
- For Dual Enrollment - Students must meet the college admission criteria. For more information about dual enrollment courses, visit this site.
Professional Certification Opportunity: National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Entry-Level Certifications (G1 Auto Maintenance and Light Repair)
Auto Technology 3 - Standard or Dual Enrollment
Grades: 12 | Credit: 2 | 1.0 weight for DE | Prerequisite: Auto Technology 2
In this third course of the three-course program sequence, students master all aspects of repair, safety, and customer service by concentrating on four primary areas: brakes, steering and suspension, electrical/electronics, and engine performance. Students will get a taste of real-world scenarios while being encouraged to enter into postsecondary education opportunities.
- Dual Enrollment course through Northern Virginia Community College - AUT 265 Automotive Braking Systems - 4 Credits - Presents operation, design, construction, repair, and servicing of braking system, including Anti-Lock Brake Systems (ABS). Explains uses of tools and test equipment, evaluation of test results, estimation of repair cost for power, standard and disc brakes.
- For Dual Enrollment - Students must meet the college admission criteria. For more information about dual enrollment courses, visit this site.
Professional Certification Opportunity: National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Entry-Level Certifications (A1-A8)
Program Features
- Nationally Certified ASE/NATEF Program
- Electude WBT
- AC Delco Auto maintenance and Light Repair WBT
- Computer Run All-Data System
- Factory & Privately Owned Donated Cars
- ASE student certifications. Maintenance and Light Repair G1 and A1-A8 , Brakes, Steering and Suspension, Engine Performance and Electrical And Electronics, Automatic Transmission/Transaxle/ Manual Transmission/Transaxle, and Heating and Air Conditioning
- Internship opportunities for selected candidates with local automotive sponsors
Mentor Firms/Organizations
- Fairfax County Government Department of Vehicle Services (DVS)
- Virginia Tire and Auto
- Franconia Service Center
- National Tire & Battery
- Yates Express Lube
- Ourisman Ford
- GM Service Training Group
- All Data
- Northern Virginia Community College
- Advanced Technology Institute (ATI)
- University of Northwestern Ohio
Services Offered - Auto Donations
Edison Academy accepts late model vehicles for both instructional purposes and for the Student Auto Sales (SAS) program. Student Auto Sales, sponsored by the Foundation for Applied Technical Education (FATE), refurbishes used vehicles for sale to the public. Proceeds benefit student competitions, scholarships, and the Automotive Technology and Automotive Collision Services programs.
Requirements for vehicle donations:
Most recent title and keys must be provided
Vehicle must be delivered to the Edison Academy
Drop offs not permitted
Student Auto Sales Contact Information:
***Please contact instructors to set up an appointment for donations!
- John Bogan: Automotive Technology Instructor
- Charles Cornwell: Automotive Collision Services Instructor
Have questions about these courses? Please contact:
- Auto Technology Teacher, HS