Teachers for Tomorrow
Teachers for Tomorrow 1
Grades: 11, 12 | Credit: 1 | 0.5 weight for Honors | Prerequisite: None
Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow introduces juniors and seniors to a career in education. Students build a foundation for teaching; learn the history, structure, and governance of teaching; apply professional teaching techniques in classroom and field experiences; and reflect on their teaching experiences. The components are intentionally broad in scope and provide a great deal of flexibility based on the career interest of a student. In addition to the fundamental curriculum components, all students are required to observe and participate in an internship outside the teachers for tomorrow classroom. The internship may involve kindergarten level through 9th grade.
Professional Certification Opportunity: Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth
Teachers for Tomorrow 2
Grades: 12 | Credit: 1 | 0.5 weight for Honors | Prerequisite: Teachers for Tomorrow 1
In the advanced level course, students will continue to pursue their interest of careers in education. The primary focus of the class is the teacher and teaching, reinforcing the skills and knowledge needed to prepare students to become future educators. Students will have the opportunity to gain teaching experience through participation in supervised internships outside the teachers for tomorrow classroom. The internships may involve kindergarten level through grade 9. Research will also be conducted on available college programs with education endorsements and possible scholarship opportunities.
Professional Certification Opportunity: PRAXIS Core for Educators
Transportation: Students must provide their own transportation to/from all observation and internship experiences. Students can drive self, or travel with parent/guardian, or partner with another TFT student that is at the same school location.
Class Features
- Develop an understanding of cognitive, physical, and moral growth in children
- Observe and assess various classroom settings to learn more about the teaching profession, classroom organization, lesson planning, and career options
- Learn the importance of networking, career exploration, and resume writing
- Create lesson plans using various formats
- Research course curriculums required by the VA Department of Education
- Become comfortable in a classroom setting through completing an internship
- Create a portfolio showcasing all course work
Mentor Firm
- Fairfax County Public Schools
Have questions about these courses? Please contact:
- History & Social Studies Teacher, HS