Automotive Technology Internships
Virginia Tire and Auto offers 6 week paid internships to Automotive II and III students at their local auto service and repair facilities in Northern Virginia. Guest speakers from Virginia Tire and Auto (VT&A) typically visit high school classrooms one or two times a year to share these opportunities with students. Here are a few details for your review:
- Interns will work 5-15 hours per week
- Inclusion in the program is contingent on passing a drug test
- It is strongly encouraged that the intern has a valid driver’s license (required for full/part time Virginia Tire & Auto employment)
- Interns are not permitted to drive customer’s vehicles
- All interns must wear proper safety equipment: black slip resistant shoes and the provided safety glasses
- This is a paid internship and many interns are offered and go on to accept regular part-time positions after successfully completing the internship program.
For more specific information regarding this internship opportunity see your Edison Academy Automotive Instructor, Mr. John Bogan, or email [email protected] to receive all documents related to this internship for your review and consideration.